Expect Temptation, before you overcome!
Jesus overcame the temptation of the Enemy for 40 days before he overcame the grave. Temptation is to be expected, but the test for all is simply will you fall into the trap of deception. As far your fitness journey is concerned the temporary willfulness to give in is constantly creeping around the corner. You cannot allow the surrounding pressure to oppress or depress you. "Outward pressure is always an opportunity to be inwardly transformed" So you're probably thinking well, how can I overcome temptation? Good question!
1. Meal Prep
To overcome temptation you have to set yourself up for success to rule out any temptation. Meal prep is vital if you are serious about your fitness journey. Meal prep is simply preparing all your meals for the upcoming week so there will be any room to say "I have nothing to eat once I'm off work, guess I'll go out for dinner tonight." That lame excuse can be avoided by prepping your meals. I know there are times when situations don't allow for you to eat properly, but think ahead of time to make the temptation of fast food and junk food lessen.
2. Goal Orientated (Short & long term goals)
Goals should be realistic, but always challenging enough to make the experience worth will. Create a couple short terms goals that can be achieved within a few weeks or month. Short term goals are a great way to start your fitness transformation. Your body can change drastically in 2-4 weeks. Yes, it possible to lose 5 to 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I have experience first hand myself how quickly the body can change. Secondly, write a
Out your long term goal keeping it ideal and reasonable to attain. All your short term goals should be the core to reaching your ultimate goal.
3. Enjoy the journey
My dad always told me "Ki enjoy the journey" and as I've grown I realized that's an important aspect of any task. Enjoy what you are trying to obtain. There will be hang ups and mishaps, but you have to keep trucking along and remember what you're striving after. Create an atmosphere of freshness to keep yourself engaged throughout your fitness program. Change up your routine, it is necessary to change the methods you have often to keep from hitting a wall. Constantly educate yourself with research to be a better you. Chances are if your not enjoying yourself, you're not giving 100% effort. "The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination" Dan Millman
4. Positive reinforcement
There is a big difference between giving in to temptation and a cheat day. It is fine and dandy to allow yourself to have a cheat snack and meal every once in awhile. I absolutely believe in rewarding yourself for working hard and being discipline. Have at it! It should not be a daily reward is what I'm trying it get across. Enjoy your favorite meal or dessert it wouldn't be fair if your didn't.
The list could go on and on of points to avoid and overcome temptation, but I don't want to bore you all. Just remember temptation is only temporary and that setting a few goals throughout your journey will bring about happiness once you achieve those goals. Set yourself up for success by meal prepping and ultimately reward yourself for being discipline and overcoming temptation.
God doesn't give us overcoming life. He gives us life as we overcome - Oswald Chambers
Kiah Douglas
Jesus overcame the temptation of the Enemy for 40 days before he overcame the grave. Temptation is to be expected, but the test for all is simply will you fall into the trap of deception. As far your fitness journey is concerned the temporary willfulness to give in is constantly creeping around the corner. You cannot allow the surrounding pressure to oppress or depress you. "Outward pressure is always an opportunity to be inwardly transformed" So you're probably thinking well, how can I overcome temptation? Good question!
1. Meal Prep
To overcome temptation you have to set yourself up for success to rule out any temptation. Meal prep is vital if you are serious about your fitness journey. Meal prep is simply preparing all your meals for the upcoming week so there will be any room to say "I have nothing to eat once I'm off work, guess I'll go out for dinner tonight." That lame excuse can be avoided by prepping your meals. I know there are times when situations don't allow for you to eat properly, but think ahead of time to make the temptation of fast food and junk food lessen.
2. Goal Orientated (Short & long term goals)
Goals should be realistic, but always challenging enough to make the experience worth will. Create a couple short terms goals that can be achieved within a few weeks or month. Short term goals are a great way to start your fitness transformation. Your body can change drastically in 2-4 weeks. Yes, it possible to lose 5 to 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I have experience first hand myself how quickly the body can change. Secondly, write a
Out your long term goal keeping it ideal and reasonable to attain. All your short term goals should be the core to reaching your ultimate goal.
3. Enjoy the journey
My dad always told me "Ki enjoy the journey" and as I've grown I realized that's an important aspect of any task. Enjoy what you are trying to obtain. There will be hang ups and mishaps, but you have to keep trucking along and remember what you're striving after. Create an atmosphere of freshness to keep yourself engaged throughout your fitness program. Change up your routine, it is necessary to change the methods you have often to keep from hitting a wall. Constantly educate yourself with research to be a better you. Chances are if your not enjoying yourself, you're not giving 100% effort. "The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination" Dan Millman
4. Positive reinforcement
There is a big difference between giving in to temptation and a cheat day. It is fine and dandy to allow yourself to have a cheat snack and meal every once in awhile. I absolutely believe in rewarding yourself for working hard and being discipline. Have at it! It should not be a daily reward is what I'm trying it get across. Enjoy your favorite meal or dessert it wouldn't be fair if your didn't.
The list could go on and on of points to avoid and overcome temptation, but I don't want to bore you all. Just remember temptation is only temporary and that setting a few goals throughout your journey will bring about happiness once you achieve those goals. Set yourself up for success by meal prepping and ultimately reward yourself for being discipline and overcoming temptation.
God doesn't give us overcoming life. He gives us life as we overcome - Oswald Chambers
Kiah Douglas
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