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Questions that needs answers!

Questions & Answers by Kiah

Q: What do you mean by “Abs are made in the Kitchen”?

A :The phrase “Abs are made in the kitchen” simply means your diet plays a huge role in seeing your abs. You can do as many ab exercises as you wish, but if your diet is poor you'll never lose the body fat that is covering your abdominal muscles. 

Q: Does counting calories help you lose weight fast?

A: I always recommend to stay away from counting calories and focus your attention on macronutirents which are (Carbohydrates, protein, fats). Everyone's body is different you have to find a balance of what works for you. If you want to lose weight reduce the amount of carbs that you intake. Try incorporating complex carbs into your diet such as oatmeal, potatoes, brown rice. Sugar is an important carb to limit, simply reducing your sugar intake alone will help with weight lost.  Bread and cereal is another biggie that people are unaware of.  Towards the end of the day eat lighter with fewer carbs. 

Q: When and how do you decide to up in weightlifting?

A: First and foremost make sure your form is correct.  Many times someone may do an exercise and their form is horrible.  Focus on the muscle that you are working on squeeze at the end of the contraction to get those muscle fibers activated.  Once your form is perfect increase the weight and drop the number of reps down for strength or add more reps around the same weight.  

Q: How do you measure if you had a good workout i.e. calories burned?

A: I honestly do not count my calories during workouts. I usually do 20-25 minutes of cardio (HIIT) a day along with a 1-2 hr. weight lifting session.  If you really want to know how many calories you burned within a day there are apps. you can download on your phone.  You plug in the number of minutes of an activity you have completed and gives an estimated of those calories.  

Q: Why do you drink protein when you get protein from food?

A: Protein helps in muscle recovery. By drinking protein shakes it causes the recovery process to speed up.  Shakes are absorbed much faster in the muscle rather than from food due to the fact that solid food takes longer to digest.

Q: How do I get rid of midsection?

A: This goes back to nutrition and eating healthier. You can't target or pin point where you want to lose fat from. Once you tighten up your diet you'll definitely see some changes.

Q: How can I gain weight?

A: You can gain weight by eating more protein (chicken, fish) along with more carbs, increase both and you should be golden. Also, weight gainer supplements help with gaining healthy weight. Eating fast food or whatever please, will allow you to gain weight, but it won't be muscle that you would be putting on. 

Q: Is eating healthy expensive?

A: Eating healthy can be costly, but it very durable. I spend about $50 on groceries a week, if that. I shop at Gordon's and Meijer. I buy everything in bulk so that it would last the entire week. My typical grocery list is: Bag of chicken breast, 1-2 bags of fish, broccoli, cabbage, pepper (green & red), lettuce, 2 ½ dozen eggs, and almonds.

Q: What does your diet consist of?

A: My show diet consist of eating small portion meals every 2-3 hours. I start of my day eating 2-3 egg white with a protein shake or chicken. The rest of my day its veggies with a protein fish/chicken. I have no variety when it comes to my show diet. 

Hope this is helpful for you all. I will try and do question and answers once a week. Keep shooting me questions!!



  1. Very helpful information. Thanks for sharing. :) I am currently trying to return to a workout routine and I am having trouble staying motivated. What tips or suggestions do you have for staying motivated?

  2. Yes Yes!!! sure is. very educational


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