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12 Donuts 12 Days

One bad decision can cost you everything.  One moment of weakness can tarnish a goal that you've been striving after day in and day out.  It ONLY takes one a moment of vulnerability to take control and knock you out for the count. In my case one dozen donuts had my name on it with 12 days out from one of the biggest shows of my life. I am sure you are thinking the following: 1. You workout everyday 12 donuts won't effect your body! 2. What in the world are you doing eating 12 donuts? 3. How did you eat 12 donuts? Yes, I'm human believe it or not and I ate 12 vanilla dipped donuts with the sprinkles on top! I love sprinkles "BIG KID".  I let a moment of weakness creep in during an essential phase of my competition prep, which cost me 1st place. After I ate my donuts, I immediately regretted the damaged that I did and how it would diminish my progress.   Nutrition wise, the dozen donuts costed me 3,500 calories, well over 4,000 mg of sodium, 200 g fat, ...
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